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Teonfa Care Group - providers of home care services throughout Bedfordshire & Berkshire

About Teonfa Care - Our Story


Teonfa Care Group is committed to providing social care and support services for people in the wider community with the main aim being to enable them to remain empowered at home and remain as independent as possible as self-care agents.



The founders (the director and registered manager) of Teonfa Care Group have a combined wealth of experience spanning forty years in the care industry and, are both, dual qualified professionals - joint practitioner in nursing and social work at degree level in the United Kingdom.


This ranges from the primary care sector, the community, and the private sector. Their wealth of experience has put them in good stead as being able to contain the rigors of the profession and being a voice to the vulnerable ones.


The founders have worked previously as care workers and at management levels in various client categories and sectors namely: learning disability, palliative care, continuing health care, elderly care, dementia, residential care settings, hospitals, social services, community care, spinal injuries, dual sensory impairment, and cancer care in the community.


Teonfa’s care service seeks to provide adequate support to a wide variety of people where we aim to enhance the quality of life of service users, their support workers, and families by working in partnership to ensure that we deliver consistent and quality care at all times.

Our Mission

Domiciliary Care in Bedfordshire & Berkshire

Our mission at Teonfa Care Group Limited is to empower our clients to remain as independent as possible in their own homes, allowing them to take the lead in their care and freeing them from the stress of tasks that have become an unnecessary drain on their energy. We also aim to release time for our clients and their families to be able to interact as a family, rather than as care givers and patients.


Recognize the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer personalised programs of meaningful activity to satisfy and meet the needs of service users and staff.

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