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  • Writer's pictureFaith Adjarhore

From Teatime to Team Time: Unleashing British Values in International Home Care Training - A Sip of Diversity!

We are delighted to bring this guest blog from Faith Adjarhore, who is a Student Nurse at University of Hertfordshire. 

As a student nurse who ventured into the home care industry at the age of 16, my journey has been marked by a profound exploration of the intricacies of caregiving. Over the years, I've had the privilege of observing various training programs and gaining insights into the diverse perspectives that shape the caregiving landscape. It is important to understand that home care training is never constant and can always be adapted!

The Turning Point:

Recently, I was given a unique opportunity to have a voice in shaping aspects of training within our care agency. This was an immediate lightbulb moment for me! The need to address cultural nuances, particularly for our international staff dawned on me. From that moment it sparked a new approach to training, one that acknowledges and embraces the current diversity of British culture.

A Week of Immersive Training:

 Our innovative approach was included to our week-long training program, with a pivotal focus on cultural competence introduced on day three. We kick off by engaging our trainees in a conversation about their perceptions of British culture to break the ice and to encourage an open dialogue to understand their backgrounds and perspectives. We also encourage our trainees to speak about their culture and traditions if they feel comfortable to do so. We do this so as a collective we can acknowledge and appreciate our differences and similarities, promoting cultural competency.

Exploring British Culture Together:

 Moving forward, we delve into key aspects of British culture. Common phrases used by the older generation, insights into popular television programs (soaps), understanding traditional meals, and navigating through the geography of the United Kingdom- all become integral parts of our training curriculum. Lastly, all trainees demonstrate how they would use a microwave to heat up a microwaveable meal by reading the instructions and make a cup of tea. When exploring British culture, we take an enjoyable and entertaining approach which consists of a short video of a common soap. Recently, we played a five-minute video from Eastenders that showcased British culture, common phrases, foods, and family dynamics. We found that this broke the ice and opened the floor for our trainees to discuss how their culture differs or what similarities they may have. From doing this, one of our trainees asked ‘’What is a pub?’’ which was very interesting to answer! This approach set the tone for day three and naturally flowed into common meals, phrases, and mannerisms in the UK. I believe starting day three this way helped the trainees not only understand British culture to some degree but understand themselves. Although many of us train to teach about someone else’s needs, we ought to take a step back and understand ourselves first. A particular quote comes to mind when reflecting on this; ‘’Look outside and you will see yourself. Look inside and you will find yourself.’’-Drew Gerald

 Benefits of Cultural Integration:

The impact has been profound. Our international staff not only feel more connected to the local culture but also report increased confidence in their caregiving practices. This unique approach has proven to be a bridge, fostering a deeper understanding among our team members. There is a need for cultural competency training based on demographic changes Osmancevic et al. (2023). As a team we’ve adopted our value ‘we succeed as a team’ and ‘we embrace change’, I’m extremely proud that we have looked at our society and thought of ways we can support those starting a new life in a new country.

Adapting Training for Global Teams:

In reflecting on this journey, the importance of adapting training for international staff cannot be overstated. This is Teonfas value ‘we embrace change’ exemplified! This goes beyond mere professional development; it's about creating an inclusive environment that honours and celebrates the rich tapestry of cultural diversity within the caregiving profession.

 Thank you for taking the time to explore the transformative journey of cultural competence in caregiving. As we navigate the diverse landscape of healthcare, I hope this article will inspire you to seek new ways to foster cultural understanding within your professional sphere. 

If you have questions or ideas you'd like to discuss further, feel free to reach out at

Let's continue to build bridges of cultural competence in the noble field of home care!

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